Core 77 Cardboard Christmas Challenge

 In Disfluent by Design, Observed, The Printed Word

Some fun winners of’s cardboard Christmas competition. Submitters were asked to created Christmas decorations using only cardboard and visitors to the Core77 site were asked to vote on their favorite. The five finalists are pictured above.

1. Maybe Santa Drinks Red Eyes? by bakerscookin
2. 100% recyclable cardboard stocking by Sharee
3. Beer box reindeer head by ASGale
4. Rudolph by paultdesign and
5. Holiday sled by briankuchler.

All five winners will get $100 gift certificates to Core77’s Hand Eye Supply, suitable for ordering the gifts you really wanted to find under the tree this year. Check the complete list of winners for full details on these and other entries, including templates and instructions on how to make your own. Learn more at

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